Tool: Juicer
A device used to extract the juice from citrus. Starting at around $15.00 you can buy a decent manual juicer. I have owned a glass juicer and an electric and to tell the truth, I'd just as soon do some work than have to clean the electric juicer.
Some information here about mechanical juicers would be great.
Translations: Sulu spiede, Sulčiaspaudė, Storcător de fructe, Sokovnik, Sokowirówka, Sapcentrifuge, Liquidificadores, Соковыжималка, Αποχυμωτής, صانع العصير, 과즙기, Odšťavňovač, Dyuiser, 榨汁机, Espremedora, Sokovnik, Odšťavovač, Spremiagrumi, מסחטה, Соковник, ジューサー, Entsafter, Saftpresser, Exprimidor, Соковижималка, Mehulinko, Сокоизстисквачка