Tool: Copper Core Saucier


Copper core sauciers combine the heat-conducting abilities of copper and aluminum with the easy maintenance and durability of stainless steel. A pure copper core extends along the bottom and up the side walls of the saucepans, providing rapid, even heat distribution. The stainless steel cooking surface is stick-resistant and easy to clean.


Translations: Vara Core Saucier, Varinė šerdis saucier, Cupru Core Saucier, Bakar Core saucier, Đồng Core saucier, Saucier Core miedzi, Koperen kern Saucier, कॉपर कोर Saucier, Saucier núcleo de cobre, Сошьер медным сердечником, Χαλκός saucier Core, النحاس الأساسية أوقح, 구리 코어 소스 담당, Měděné jádro drzejší, Tembaga Core Saucier, 铜芯索希埃, Coure Saucier nucli, Copper Core saucier, Medené jadro drzejší, Rame Core Saucier, Core נחושת Saucier, Koppar Core Saucier, Бакар Цоре Сауциер, 銅コアソーサー, Saucier noyau de cuivre, Kobber Core Saucier, Kobber Core Saucier, Cobre Saucier núcleo, Сошьер мідним сердечником, Saucier мед Core



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