Tool: Cake Decorating Tips

Photo: Anonymous
Cake decorating tools that provide various designs when icing. The tips are secured to pastry bags which are then filled with icing. The icing is pressed through the tip creating attractive designs.
Decorating tips have numbers stamped into the side so that you know what pattern the tip will make without having to use it. The numbering is supposed to be universal but not sure who regulates that.
Translations: Cake Dekorēšanas Tips, Cake apdaila patarimai, Tort Sfaturi pentru amenajare, Torta uređenje Savjeti, Trang Trí Bánh Mẹo, Porady dekoracyjne ciasto, केक सजा युक्तियाँ, Dicas de Decoração de Bolos, Торт украшая подсказки, Διακόσμηση κέικ Συμβουλές, نصائح تزيين الكعكة, 케이크 꾸미시 팁, Cake zdobení tipy, Tips Dekorasi Kue, Cake dekorasyon Tips, 蛋糕装饰技巧, Suggeriments per a la decoració de pastís, Torta Dekoraterstvo Nasveti, Cake zdobenie tipy, Suggerimenti Cake Decorating, עוגת טיפים קישוט, Cake Decorating tips, Торта декорације Савети, ケーキデコレーションのヒント, Conseils pour la décoration de gâteau, Kuchenverzierung Tipps, Kage til udsmykning Tips, Cake dekorere tips, Sugerencias para la decoración de pastel, Торт прикрашаючи підказки, Cake Sisustus Vinkkejä, Торта Decorating Съвети