Tool: Stand Mixer Food Grinder Attachment
Photo: Sur La Table
An attachable food grinder connects to a stand up mixer and utilizes the stand up mixer motor to operate the grinder. Grinds meat for hamburger or vegetables for sauces.
Translations: Stand Mikseris pārtikas Grinder Attachment, Stendas Mikser Maisto Grinder Priedas, Stand Mixer Atasament Grinder alimentară, Stand Mikser Prilog brusilica hrane, Stand Mixer Grinder Attachment thực phẩm, Stand Mixer Załącznik Food Grinder, खाद्य मिश्रक चक्की अनुलग्नक खड़े हो जाओ, Stand Mixer Attachment Grinder Alimentos, Стенд Смеситель Приложение бытовой мясорубки, Μίξερ Συνημμένο Μύλος Τροφίμων, موقف خلاط مرفق المطحنة الغذاء, 믹서 식품 그라인더 첨부 파일을 스탠드, Stánek Mixer potravin bruska příloh, Lampiran Stand Makanan Grinder Mixer, Stand panghalo gilingan Pagkain Attachment, 站在搅拌机食品磨床附件, Batedora Adjunt Grinder Alimentació, Stand Mešalnik Attachment hrane Grinder, Stánok Mixer potravín brúska príloh, Stand Mixer Allegato Food Grinder, Stand Mixer מטחנות מצורף מזון, Stand Mixer Attachment Food Grinder, Станд Миксер Прилог Храна кафу, ミキサーフードグラインダーの添付ファイルをスタンド, Batteur sur socle hachoir à aliments, Stand Mixer Mat Grinder vedlegg, Batidora Adjunto Grinder Alimentación, Стенд Змішувач Додаток побутової м'ясорубки, Stand Mixer Ruoka Grinder Attachment, Стойка Миксер Приложение Мелница храните
April 26, 2010
This item looks pretty flimsy -- a mismatch with a workhorse like the KitchenAid I own (and which is pictured). As I am shopping for an attachment that will allow me to grind entire cooked chickens to make food for my cat, I am very glad a picture was included!