Tool: Synthetic Cutting Board


A synthetic cutting board is a handy kitchen tool used to place meat, fish or vegetables to be cut. Some synthetic cutting boards are made of polyethylene, a hard plastic that can last many years.

Synthetic cutting boards are non-porous, and can withstand damage from sharp knives. Because of this, there is less chance for small food particles to collect in the board and breed bacteria.


Translations: Synthetic Griešanas padome, Sintetiniai pjaustymo lenta, Consiliul de taiere sintetice, Sintetička Rezanje zajednica, Hội đồng quản trị tổng hợp cắt, Deska do krojenia syntetycznych, Synthetische Cutting Board, सिंथेटिक काटने बोर्ड, Câmara de corte sintético, Синтетические разделочная доска, Συνθετικά Cutting Board, الاصطناعية قطع المجلس, 합성 커팅 보드, Syntetický prkénko, Pemotongan sintetik Dewan, Gawa ng tao pagputol ng Lupon ng, 合成菜板, Sintètic taula de tallar, Sintetični desko za rezanje, Syntetický prkénko, Sintetico consiglio di taglio, סינתטי קרש החיתוך, Syntetiska Skärbräda, Синтетичке сечење плочица, 合成まな板, Synthétique Planche à découper, Synthetische Cutting Board, Syntetisk Skærebrættet, Syntetisk skjærebrett, Sintético tabla de cortar, Синтетичні обробна дошка, Synteettinen leikkuulauta, Синтетични рязане съвет



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