Tool: Laser Probe Thermometer
Photo: Sur La Table
Infrared non-contact technology measures the temperature of cooking and grilling surfaces so food can be added at precisely the right time, combined with a stainless steel probe to measure the inner temperature of foods.
Translations: Lāzera Probe Termometrs, Lazerinių Probe Termometras, Sonda termometrului cu laser, Laser termometar sa sondom, Laser Nhiệt kế Probe, Termometr Probe Laser, लेजर थर्मामीटर जांच, Termômetro Laser Probe, Лазерный датчик термометр, Laser θερμόμετρο Probe, الليزر المسبار ميزان الحرارة, 레이저 프로브 온도계, Laserové sondy teploměru, Laser Probe thermometer, 激光探针温度计, Termòmetre làser, Laser Probe Termometer, Laserové sondy teplomeru, Laser sonda del termometro, לייזר מדחום Probe, Laser Probe Termometer, Ласер Проба Термометар, レーザープローブ温度計, Thermomètre sonde laser, Laser Probe Termometer, Laser Probe termometer, Termómetro láser, Лазерний датчик термометр, Laser Probe Lämpömittari, Лазерни Probe Термометър