Technique: Adding Liqueur To Desserts
CAKES: Add Orange Brandy Cordial, Sour Cherry Vodka, or any of the raspberry cordials to flavor chocolate cake; Hazelnut liqueur, Almond Liqueur, or Coffee Liqueur to flavor sponge cakes; and, of course, Orange Brandy Cordial to flavor orange cake. Almond Liqueur is a nice touch in flourless chocolate cake recipes that call for almonds. After a cake has baked, and is still warm and still in the pan, poke holes across the top with a tester or toothpick. Pour about 2 ounces of liqueur over and allow it to drip down into the cake. Don't forget the possibilities of flavoring frostings with liqueurs; adding a little Coffee Liqueur to chocolate, for example, makes a mocha frosting.
BROWNIES: Infuse a batch of fudge brownies with Almond, Mint, or Raspberry Liqueur following the directions above for cakes.
PIES: Apple pie is better than Mom's when you first toss the apples in 1/2 cup Orange Brandy Cordial, and berry pies of all persuasions benefit from tossing the berries in 1/2 cup Raspberry Vodka Cordial, Raspberry Brandy Cordial, or a blend of the two.
FRESH FRUIT: Everybody's favorite, strawberries, takes on a new dimension when macerated (soaked) for 2 hours in Orange Brandy Cordial. For fruit compote, add a jigger of Blackberry or Raspberry (Vodka or Brandy) Cordial for every 6 cups of fruit and top with a generous dollop of Creme Fraiche.