In some parts of the country, right now, cicadas are out. They are the particular breed of insect that only comes out once every 13 years, but arrives in swarms. They are a pest and make a lot of noise.
Well, someone decided to do something about it. Sparky's Homemade Ice Cream in Columbia, Missouri made a flavor out of the insects. Employees collected the bugs in bags from their backyards, removed most of the wings, boiled them in brown sugar and milk chocolate and finally crafted them into an ice cream with a base of brown sugar and butter. Ready for the really weird part? The ice cream sold out rapidly!
The store planned to officially announce the cicada-flavored ice cream the following day, but actually began offering scoops the night before. Customers streamed into the store and finished the whole batch. Then, Sparky's decided to call the Health Department. They recommended no more batches, but not for the reason you think. Why no more cicada-flavored ice cream? There are no cooking guidelines for the insects!
Would you ever eat a cicada-flavored ice cream? Bugs are trendy.
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June 9, 2011
I don't think I'd be able to do it. I'll eat almost anything else- but bugs? They make me squirm!