Boiled Egg Curry

Category: Main Dishes | Blog URL:
This recipe was entered in The Foodista Best of Food Blogs Cookbook contest, a compilation of the world’s best food blogs which was published in Fall 2010.
How do I introduce Boiled Egg Curry to you? I could write about my so far culinary experiences with boiled eggs, or, as this curry is a hot dish, I could write about heat (of any form). Perhaps I do both. Let's see.....
I am running a Half Marathon on Friday. That's 21k or 13 miles. My family (we are mama, papa, and two kids) and two friends who will be over for a visit from Europe will stay in a 5-star resort nearby the night before as the race starts at 7am. What does that tell you? Pressure to perform! Therefore I had to squeeze in another long run. Didn't make it on the weekend, so today was my last chance. Now the sad news: winter seems to be over in Dubai. I only have a chance to run during lunchtime during the week. And today, there was absolutely no chance I could do this outdoors, with temperatures around 27C. So I did 18k on the treadmill in the gym. I am so proud I made it, as I was bored to death after 3k. Really, I just wanted to go home. Somehow I managed the 18k and that gives me confidence to possibly achieve a new personal best at around 1h50min. My current one is 1h54min. Will let you know about the results.
Back to the food. I only know three or four dishes with boiled eggs: that's the one you have for breakfast on a lazy Sunday morning, or slices of boiled eggs in a salad. Or, and I haven't eaten that since I stopped eating in the school canteen, boiled eggs with mustard sauce and potatoes.
Now comes the Indian version. I must admit I was a little skeptical when I first encountered the combination of curry and boiled eggs. But I am telling you: It's a brilliant match. You want the curry sauce be hot, and that complements the mild egg, especially the egg white perfectly. I found this a nice change to any meat or vegetable curry. It goes well with rice or any flat bread.
Another good thing is that it is prepared in no time. The sauce and even the boiled eggs can be prepared in advance and it's made of ingredients that you might have at home. A perfect weekday dinner, and good to have in winter or coldish days as the spiciness of the dish will definitely warm you up.