Most of the recipes are from home cooks or modified and republished from other sources, and do not contain the nutritional value. You can find several online free nutritional counters, but you will need to enter the entire recipe to get all the correct info. Do a search for "Free nutritional counter" and several will pop up. They all vary a little. You can test their accuracy if you want by entering a known recipe to see what the results are.
June 27, 2010
Most of the recipes are from home cooks or modified and republished from other sources, and do not contain the nutritional value. You can find several online free nutritional counters, but you will need to enter the entire recipe to get all the correct info. Do a search for "Free nutritional counter" and several will pop up. They all vary a little. You can test their accuracy if you want by entering a known recipe to see what the results are.