An unlikely duo of Pura Vida tequila and a group of investors led by legendary ZZ-Top musician (and long beard aficionado) Billy Gibbons will launch Pura Vida Radio on May 5th. Once the station goes live, it will become the first frequency controlled by a liquor company.
Pura Vida founder Stewart Skloss became enamored with tequila during a visit to Mexico and decided to launch his own company. They make a triple-distilled blue agave premium tequila that comes in several flavors.
According to a press release, the radio station will feature an "exciting mix of adult alternative, Texas rock, global rock and Mexican rock." Gibbons will contribute programming and also have some of his musical friends contribute. No word on who though.
The station will be available through the Pura Vida website and through a complimentary smart phone download. More than 57 million people now listen to some form of internet radio on a weekly basis.
So apparently this Cinco de Mayo will be a very special day. After all, when the station goes live "the world will never be same." In the picture above, Skloss and Gibbons pose with their tequila.
What do you think of this idea? Will you tune into Pura Vida Radio?
Photo by PRNewswire and Mind's Eye