Golden Wax Bean
Golden Wax Bean are highly productive plants that produce clusters of 5 inch long somewhat flat yellow wax beans. Pod is fairly stringless and seeds are white with a purple eye. Golden wax beans have a good flavor, nice eaten fresh and for canning. A long time gardeners favorite.
Sow Golden Wax bean seed in a sunny location outdoors in late spring when all danger of frost has passed. Plant 1½" deep and 3" apart. Keep moderately moist during germination, which takes between 6 and12 days. Thin 2 to 3" apart when seedlings are 3" tall. You should be eating fresh beans in just 50 days. Remember to pick your beans often to promote a continual harvest until the first frost.
Physical Description
Golden colored snap beans are smooth and waxy. The pods are narrow and show the plump silhouette of the beans within.
Tasting Notes
Selecting and Buying
Preparation and Use
Golden wax beans can be lightly sauteed with bacon or pork until they are tender. They can also be cooked with olive oil, garlic, and other vegetables. Sometimes they are pickled with vinegar and spices.
Conserving and Storing
Golden wax beans can be kept refrigerated for up to a week. After blanching they can be stored in a freezer or pressure canned for shelf stable storage. Canning with vinegar and spices is used to make pickled beans.
February 21, 2012
I enjoyed your article as these beans are new to me. I have just discovered a GW packet of seeds purchased in the US with a 2009 date on which I shall grow in the UK 2012.