Whitish Truffle
There is a big demand for kind of truffle in Tuscany. The commercial value is lower than white one. The outward appearance is similar to the white truffle, as they share an irregular, smooth and white color- though the whitish truffle becomes darker when ripe. The fragrance of the whitish truffle is what distinguishes itself from the white truffle at first it is fine and pleasant but then in a moment it becomes strong and garlicky. Found in the in lands of Tuscany and on the coastline preferring the pine-woods. The picking season goes from May to December.
Other names: Tuber Albinum Pico
Translations: Bālgans trifele, Balzganą triufelių, Albicioasă Truffle, Bjelkaste tartufa, Màu trắng truffle, Białawy Truffle, Wittig Truffle, सफेद Truffle, Esbranquiçada Truffle, Белесые Трюфель, Υπόλευκο Τρούφα, اللون الأبيض الكمأ, 약간 흰 트러 플, Bělavá Truffle, Keputihan Truffle, Maputi nang bahagya trupel, 白色块菌, Blanquinós tòfona, Belkasta tartufov, Belavá Truffle, Biancastro Tartufo, לבנבן כמהה, Vitaktig Tryffel, Беличаст тартуфа, 白っぽいトリュフ, Blanchâtre truffe, Weißliche Trüffel, Hvidlig trøffel, Hvitaktig Truffle, Blanquecino trufa, Біласті Трюфель, Valkeahko tryffeli, Белезникав трюфел