Pinotage Grapes


Pinotage is a red wine grape that is South Africa's signature variety. It was bred there in 1925 as a cross between Pinot noir and Cinsaut. It typically produces deep red varietal wines with smoky, bramble and earthy flavors, sometimes with notes of bananas and tropical fruit, but has been criticized for sometimes smelling of acetone. Pinotage is often blended, and also made into fortified wine and even red sparkling wine. The grape is a viticultural cross, not a hybrid. Both of Pinotage's ancestors are members of Vitis vinifera.The first recognition came when a Bellevue wine made from Pinotage became the champion wine at the Cape Wine Show of 1959. This wine would become the first wine to mention Pinotage on its label in 1961, when Stellenbosch Farmer's Winery (SFW) marketed it under their Lanzerac brand. This early success, and its easy viticulture, prompted a wave of planting during the 1960s.


Translations: Pinotage Vīnogas, Pinotage Vynuogės, Pinotage Struguri, Grožđe Pinotage, Pinotage Nho, Pinotage winogron, Pinotage druiven, Pinotage अंगूर, Uvas Pinotage, Пинотедж виноград, Pinotage Σταφύλια, العنب Pinotage, Pinotage 포도, Pinotage bobulí, Пинотаге грожђа, Pinotage mga ubas, Pinotage葡萄, Pinotage Raïms, Pinotage Grozdje, Pinotage bobúľ, Pinotage Uva, Pinotage ענבי, Pinotage Vindruvor, Pinotage Anggur, ピノタージュブドウ, Cépages Pinotage, Pinotage Trauben, Pinotage Druer, Pinotage Druer, Pinotage Uvas, Пінотедж виноград, Pinotage Viinirypäleet, Pinotage Грозде



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