Brick Cheese- جبنة البريك
Brick cheese is a semi-hard, cow's milk cheese originating in Wisconsin. It was developed by John Joo in 1877.
The cheese has a number of small and irregular holes and an open texture.
The flavor is a mixture of sweet, spicy and nutty. As it ripens, it has a heady aroma and becomes almost as strong as limburger.
The name brick cheese is said to have come from the fact that bricks were once used to weight the curd and press out the whey.
Physical Description
Brick cheese is a medium-soft cheese that crumbles easily and is somewhat sticky to the knife. When young, brick cheese has a mild, sweet flavor. As it ages, brick cheese develops a more ripe, and strong.
Brick cheese is named for the shape it's made in, either a rectangular, or square brick.
Tasting Notes
Preparation and Use
Brick cheese is well suited for being sliced for use on sandwiches. It also melts well and can be used in fondues, or sauces.