Featured IFBC Speaker: Sean Timberlake
Sean Timberlake is a professional writer, amateur foodie, avid traveler and all-around bon vivant. He has penned the blog Hedonia since 2006 and is the creator of Punk Domestics, a content aggregation site for the hardcore DIY food community. Community members contribute and share their experiences in home food preservation in areas such as canning, preserving, pickling, dehydrating, curing meats, making cheese, home brewing, foraging and microfarming. Founded in 2010, Punk Domestics aspires to evangelize and enable the home DIY food enthusiast by curating and presenting best-of-breed content from individuals and experts in their respective arenas.
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Who Should Attend
Bloggers, Food Writers & Cookbook Authors
Publishers, Agents & Editors
Food Brand / Restaurant Marketers
Public Relations Professionals