Featured IFBC Speaker: Rodney Blackwell, Blogger and Founder of the Sacramento Burger Battle
Rodney Blackwell loves burgers. So much so that in 2012, after operating his burger blog for just over a year, he founded the popular Sacramento Burger Battle event to showcase the city's food and to help raise money for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America. For his next trick, he plans to throw an epic Sacramento Taco Party fundraiser for the Food Literacy Center to help find Sacramento's best taco. He runs a digital marketing agency to help local restaurants connect with guests on social media and you can find him talking food on Twitter or posting pictures of his burger adventures on Instagram at @burgerjunkies.
Rodney will be co-hosting the From Blog to Business session on Saturday.
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Who Should Attend
Bloggers, Food Writers & Cookbook Authors
Publishers, Agents & Editors
Food Brand / Restaurant Marketers
Public Relations Professionals