Featured IFBC Speaker: Writer Naomi Tomky
Naomi Tomky is the unrelentingly enthusiastic eater, photographer, and writer behind the blog The GastroGnome. Since 2006, she’s brought her (sometimes over) eager mouth to tables around the world in search of new things to shove in it. From Beijing to Texas, from un-cleaned pig intestine (it sounds worse than it is) to huckleberry ice cream, there’s an adventure on every plate she dives into. Her writing can be found on Lucky Peach, Tasting Table, and Serious Eats, among others. She lives in Seattle with her husband and a muppet-like dog. When she’s not eating food or writing about it, she’s usually trying to work it off by skiing, running, or mountain biking.
Naomi will co-host The Plan and The Pitch session on Saturday, September 19 at this year's International Food Blogger Conference.
$495 for non-blogger participants (industry, media relations professionals, etc.)
Who Should Attend
Bloggers, Food Writers & Cookbook Authors
Publishers, Agents & Editors
Food Brand / Restaurant Marketers
Public Relations Professionals