Featured IFBC Speaker: Cannabis Chef Jeremy Cooper
Chef Jeremy Cooper will lead the first-ever session on Cooking with Cannabis at this year's International Food Blogger Conference on Sunday, September 20.
The Drunken Chef Jeremy Cooper Master of Alcoholic Gastronomy performs, cooks and instructs on the finer details of infusions, cocktails, and manipulation of astronomical culinary proportions. Jeremy has been featured in such events as the East Coast International Wine Festival (over seven years as the main attraction), the Charleston Culinary Challenge, Fox News, The Woman’s Show, Skirt Magazine, Culinary America, The Bourbon Trail, Jack Daniels Distilleries, Even Williams Distilleries, The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, The Great American Rock-n-Rib Rock Off, Private Recipe creator and master chef to Tommy Lasorda Wines, Van Gogh Vodka, and the featured as the Master of Moonshine and partnered with Dark Corner Distilleries.
Now, Chef Jeremy Cooper has spent the last three years in the Northwest. Cooper created the first cannabis food truck for Magical Butter, a brand that has been noted the second most influential multimedia and online presence company in the world next to Hightimes.
Chef Jeremy Cooper became a well-known cannabis celebrity, he purchased the first legal cannabis in the state of Washington.
He and his team built Magical Butter Studios, hosted VIP parties, the Wired meet ups, produced educational programs, hosted HighTimes Cannabis Cup VIP party, Dope Cup, Growers Cup and taught cannabis cooking classes. This has sparked his newest passion, 7Leaf Events, an off shoot of his successful company Earful Events.
Jeremy Cooper is very well known for his activism. He tours around the country educating America on Cannabis and Endocannabinoid deficiencies to further a new frontier for America.
While still being an adventurer and survivalist with a touch of historian, Chef Jeremy Cooper owns a Bed and Breakfast in West Seattle where his hospitality focuses on cannabis sampling, cooking gourmet cannabis food and exhibits the sneak peeks of what's to come in the cannabis industry, with state of the art tech and Cannabis from around the world.
Currently, he is traveling the country producing VIP cannabis events, filming his new show, and producing live cooking events. He has been part of the largest cannabis incubator project in the world where his mission involves connecting businesses, investors, activists, newcomers, and educators to the new world that is cannabis.
His actions and exploits have been featured in National Geographic, Foodista, Seattle Mets Food Lovers Guide, Puget Sound Business Journal, Forbes, Cannabis Now, Hightimes Magazine, LA Times, NY Times, and many more.
His mission is to connect America to Cannabis, and give America their futures back.
$495 for non-blogger participants (industry, media relations professionals, etc.)
Who Should Attend
Bloggers, Food Writers & Cookbook Authors
Publishers, Agents & Editors
Food Brand / Restaurant Marketers
Public Relations Professionals