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Featured Speaker: Social Media Expert Rebecca Coleman

Rebecca Coleman will co-host the What To Do After You Hit Publish? social media marketing session at IFBC 2015 in Seattle.

Rebecca Coleman is passionate about helping small businesses become better marketers. An early adopter of Social Media, she has become increasingly interested in using it as a marketing tool, and writes about the subject on her blog. She has written 3 books, which help newbies create a marketing plan using social networking as a tool. She instructs courses in Social Media Marketing and blogging at BCIT, and travels internationally giving workshops.

Rebecca is on a continual search for the elusive work-life balance between her business and her eleven-year-old son, Michael. She loves: writing, her MacBook, Sushi, Coffee, a good Shiraz, and pretty shoes (not necessarily in that order!). She is an avid foodie with a healthy wanderlust, and shares her adventures on her personal blog: Cooking by Laptop, is a regular contributor to Vancity Buzz, and has just launched, a blog dedicated to the pursuit of Brunch in Vancouver.


Register for 2015!

Only $195 for active food bloggers

$495 for non-blogger participants (industry, media relations professionals, etc.)

Who Should Attend

Bloggers, Food Writers & Cookbook Authors

Publishers, Agents & Editors

Food Brand / Restaurant Marketers

Public Relations Professionals

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