Featured Speaker: Cook, Author, and Photographer Audra Mulkern

Audra Mulkern will be co-hosting the Cooking Backwards: The Art and Science of Local and Seasonal Cooking session at IFBC from 4- 5:20pm on Saturday.
Audra is a cook, writer and photographer who is putting good food in the spotlight and changing the way you look at farming and the food on your plate.
She is the author of “Rooted In The Valley: The Art and Color of The Snoqualmie Valley Farmers Markets” - a photographic essay highlighting farmers and artisans from the Carnation and Duvall farmers markets. Proceeds from book sales are donated back to the Sno-Valley Tilth, an organization and community of local farmers.
Audra also writes and photographs “The Female Farmer Project” – a chronicle of in-depth stories about the rise of women working in agriculture around the world. The Female Farmer Project has garnered international recognition, has been featured in several magazines and is currently being translated for Expo 2015, the World’s Fair being held in Milan, Italy.
Photo by: Danielle Acken
$395 for non-blogger participants (industry, media relations professionals, etc.)
Who Should Attend
Bloggers, Food Writers & Cookbook Authors
Publishers, Agents & Editors
Food Brand / Restaurant Marketers
Public Relations Professionals