There’s more room in the kitchen - The new domain space for cooking!

Let's face it, coming up with a name for a new blog is hard, but when you couple that with trying to find a corresponding domain name, the process almost becomes impossible.
Let’s say I wanted to start a blog called “M+M Cooking”, I would search for, which of course would come up as unavailable. Next I would search for which again would be unavailable. After searching through the meager amount of domains left available, I would frustratingly end up with an almost irrelevant domain name such as Obviously this is not ideal, especially when it comes to marketing the blog online.
We are now in luck with the launch of the first ever Top Level Domain dedicated to the cooking community, .Cooking!
What is a Top Level Domains you ask? Also known as TLDs, they are the letters to the right of the dot in your web address such as the COM in or the NET in
When the World Wide Web was launched in 1989, these Top Level Domains were used to help categorize the relatively few websites at the time. Originally the .com stood for “commercial” and the .net stood for “network”. But in the present climate, the number of websites has grown exponentially and the .com in a web address no longer has any significance, other than it being a live website. There is no categorization as to what that site is about; you could be going to a travel site for all you know. Also the chances of you being able to create a short and memorable web address are incredibly slim, (and good luck trying to match it to your blog nameThis is where the Top Level Domain .Cooking comes in! Not only will it give you the chance to create a shorter, more memorable name, but it will target your intended audience directly. This will in turn boost your SEO and more.
With .Cooking launching on the 15th of September, you will be able to register your name at the conference! We are offering a very special deal for attendees so come and find us any time during the conference, we will also be at the Gourmet Fair on Saturday.
$395 for non-blogger participants (industry, media relations professionals, etc.)
Who Should Attend
Bloggers, Food Writers & Cookbook Authors
Publishers, Agents & Editors
Food Brand / Restaurant Marketers
Public Relations Professionals