IFBC Now Has An Official Conference App For Smart Phones!

Now you can cet everything IFBC—food, writing, and technology—on your phone (iOS and Android)! Thanks to 47 Degrees you can preview sessions, add favorite sessions to your calendar, learn about the speakers, meet other attendees, and discover special IFBC related events.
Review the schedule and save interesting sessions to your personal calendar. Date, time, overview, and related speakers. Receive reminders about saved sessions using your default calendar. Find something interesting or exciting? Let your friends and family know you’re attending via Twitter.
View and compose #IFBC related tweets without leaving the app. Reply, retweet, favorite, and follow Twitter users. IMPORTANT: Twitter account is required for this functionality.
Meet the speakers—review short bios for the IFBC 2013 speakers.
Get an early start to your IFBC networking with the integrated attendees list.
Reference venue details and driving directions.
*New in 2013! See registration for qualifying details.
Who Should Attend
Bloggers, Food Writers & Cookbook Authors
Publishers, Agents & Editors
Food Brand / Restaurant Marketers
Public Relations Professionals