Featured Speaker: Food Photographer Andrew Scrivani
Back by popular demand! Andrew Scrivani will be leading two exciting sessions at this year's IFBC in Seattle: Food Photography and Cooking Demo with Chef John Mitzewich, and Post Production Photography.
Andrew is a New York based freelance commercial and editorial photographer, food stylist, writer and blogger. He has been photographing for the New York Times Dining Section since 2002 as well as the Recipes for Health column by Martha Rose Shulman on The New York Times on the Web Fitness and Nutrition section since 2008. He most recently completed the photography for Melissa Clark’s new book Cook This Now and is one of the featured photographers for the recently launched GILT Taste website. You can read his columns on Food & Photography at The New York Times Diner’s Journal blog and his own personal blog makingSundaySauce. Andrew also teaches workshops and speaks nationally on Food Photography and Styling, which is a natural extension of his life before photography, as a high school teacher and coach.
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Who Should Attend
Bloggers, Food Writers & Cookbook Authors
Publishers, Agents & Editors
Food Brand / Restaurant Marketers
Public Relations Professionals