Golden Sweet Apple
An extraordinarily sweet apple, so sweet that the "first bite can be a shock." It has no acid to balance the sweetness, so eating Golden Sweet can be like eating a tablespoon of honey. Fruit is medium to large with thin, smooth waxy yellow skin. The sweet yellow flesh is firm, juicy, and aromatic.
Translations: Zelta Sweet Apple, Golden Apple Sweet, Golden Apple Sweet, Sweet Golden Apple, Sweet Golden Apple, गोल्डन मीठा सेब, Sweet Golden Apple, Золотые Sweet Apple, ذهبية أبل الحلو, 골든 스위트 애플, Golden Apple Sweet, 黄金甜苹果, Golden Apple dulce, Golden Apple Sweet, Golden Apple Sweet, Golden Apple Sweet, הזהב המתוק של Apple, Златна Слатки јабука, ゴールデンスウィートアップル, Golden Apple Sweet, Golden Apple dolça, Золоті Sweet Apple, Златни Сладки Apple