Grape Seed Oil
A vegetable oil pressed from the seeds of various grapes used in winemaking. It is often used in salad dressings, marinades, deep-frying, and baking. Grapeseed oil is made from the seeds of grapes after the juice has been extracted for wine and contains high levels of vitamin E. A vegetable oil pressed from the seeds of various grapes used in winemaking. It is often used in salad dressings, marinades, deep-frying, and baking.
Other names: Grape Oil, Grape Seed Oil
Translations: Vīnogu sēklu eļļa, Vynuogių kauliukų aliejus, Ulei de seminţe de struguri, Olej z nasion winogron, Druivenpitolie, अंगूर बीज तेल, Óleo de semente de uva, Масло виноградных косточек, Σταφυλιών σπορέλαιο, زيت بذور العنب, 포도 씨 오일, Hroznový olej, Ubas Buto Oil, 葡萄籽油, Aceite de semilla de uva, Hroznový olej, Olio di semi d'uva, שמן זרעי ענבים, Уље семена грожђа, グレープシードオイル, Huile de pépins de raisin, Oli de llavor de raïm, Олія виноградних кісточок, Масло от гроздови семена