Potatoes are a very starchy food that grows underground and can cooked in a wide variety of ways including potatoe chips, french fries, baked potatoes and sweet potatoes.
Translations: Kartupeļi, Bulvės, Cartofi, Krumpir, Khoai tây, Ziemniaków, Aardappelen, आलू, Batatas, Картофель, Πατάτες, البطاطس, 감자, Brambory, Кромпир, Patatas, 马铃薯, Patates, Krompir, Zemiaky, Patate, תפוחי אדמה, Potatis, Kentang, ジャガイモ, Pommes de terre, Kartoffeln, Kartofler, Poteter, Patatas, Картопля, Perunat, Картофи