Canned Anchovy
Canned anchovies are used in small quantities to flavor many dishes. Because of the strong flavor they are also an ingredient incorporated into several sauces, including Worcestershire sauce, remoulade and many fish sauces, and in some versions of Café de Paris butter. See more on fresh anchovies here.
Translations: Konservi Anšovs, Konservuoti Ančiuviai, Conserve Hamsii, Gotovi inćuna, Đóng hộp cá cơm, Konserwy Sardela, Ingeblikte Ansjovis, डिब्बाबंद Anchovy, Conservas Anchova, Консервы Анчоус, Κονσέρβες Γαύρος, المعلبة الأنشوفة, 멸치 통조림, Konzervy sardel, Конзервирана бргљуна, 鳀鱼罐头, Conserves de anchoveta, Canned Sardon, Konzervy Ančovička, Conserve di acciughe, שימורי אנשובי, Konserverat Ansjovis, Kalengan Ikan Teri, 缶詰のイワシ, Les conserves d'anchois, Canned Sardelle, Dåse Ansjos, Canned Ansjosfamilien, Conservas de Anchoveta, Консерви Анчоус, Säilykkeet Sardelli, Консервирани Аншоа