Horsetail is a kind of herb. It was used in the past in Europe to treat swelling. It increases the amount of urine produced by the body and helps eliminate excess water.
Translations: Asiūklis, Coada-calului, Konjski rep, Đuôi ngựa, Skrzyp, Paardestaart, घोड़े की पूंछ, Rabo de cavalo, Хвощ, Αλογοουρά, ذنب الفرس, 말꼬리, Ocas koně, Ekor kuda, 马尾, Cua de cavall, Konjski rep, Chvost koňa, Coda di cavallo, FRÄKEN, Коњски реп, ツクシ, Prêle, Pferdeschwanz, Padderok, Cola de caballo, Хвощ, Korte, Хвощ