A soft, fatty tissue found in the hollow center of an animal's leg bones and, though not as plentiful, in the spinal bones.
Translations: Kabači, Čiulpai, Măduvă, Srž, Tủy, Szpiku, Merg, मज्जा, Medula, Костный мозг, Μυελού, نخاع, 골수, Dřeň, Срж, Utak ng buto, 骨髓, Medul, Vrtna buča, Dreň, Midollo, מוח, Sumsum, 骨髄, Moelle, Knochenmark, Marv, Marg, Médula, Кістковий мозок, Kurpitsa, Костен мозък
Preparation and Use
Place bones marrow side up on a cookie sheet lined with aluminum foil. Place in a 350 degree (F) oven and roast for 20 minutes. If the marrow bones are still frozen (the butcher sometimes gives them to me right out of the freezer case,) then roast for 30 minutes. The marrow should look cooked, but the marrow should not recede from the inside of the bone.
Plate one marrow bone with good bread that has been toasted. Serve with parsley salad (chopped parsley, shallot and capers tossed with a bit of lemon juice and olive oil.) The marrow is spread on the toast with the parsley salad on top.