Sugar Beet
The Sugar Beet is a commercially grown crop, raised for sugar production. Sugar beets account for 30%% of the world's sugar production. The advent of sugar beet production is relatively new, only about a century old. Because the sugar beet can be grown in a variety of climates and can withstand fully mechanized harvesting, it is widely grown in the United States for sugar production.
Translations: Cukurbiešu, Cukriniai runkeliai, Sfecla de zahăr, Šećerna repa, Củ cải đường, Cukier buraczany, Suikerbiet, मीठी चुक़ंदर, Açúcar de beterraba, Сахарная свекла, Ζαχαρότευτλων, سكر الشمندر, 슈가 사탕 무우, Cukrovka, Bit gula, Matamis na aselga, 甜菜, El sucre de remolatxa, Sladkorne pese, Cukrovka, Lo zucchero di barbabietola, סלק סוכר, Sockerbetor, Шећерна репа, テンサイ, La betterave à sucre, Zuckerrübe, Sukkerroer, Sukkerroer, El azúcar de remolacha, Цукрові буряки, Sokerijuurikas, Захарно цвекло