Boneless Ham
Also known as boned ham, this whole cured ham is a cut of pork that has had the hip, thigh, and shank bones removed, as well as most of the fat before it is rolled, molded, and packaged. Boneless hams are easier to carve because there is no bone to carve around but without the bones, the ham will lack the flavor found in a bone-in ham.
Translations: Atkaulota Ham, Be kaulų Ham, Dezosate Ham, Bez kostiju Ham, Ham không xương, Szynka bez kości, Zonder been Ham, कमजोर हाम, Костей Хэм, Χωρίς κόκαλα Χαμ, العظم هام, 뼈없는 햄, Vykostěné šunkou, Костију Хем, Walang buto Ham, 去骨火腿, Desossat Pernil, Brez kosti Ham, Vykostené šunkou, Disossati Ham, עצמות חם, Benfritt Ham, Tanpa tulang Ham, ボンレスハム, Désossé Jambon, Entbeintes Ham, Udbenet Ham, Deshuesado Jamón, Костею Хем, Luuton Ham, Обезкостени Хям