Veal Pancreas


Veal pancreas is another type of veal sweetbread. There are two kinds of sweetbreads, they are the Stomach sweetbread (heart, belly, or pancreas sweetbread) and the Neck sweetbread (throat, gullet, or thymus sweetbread).

The veal pancreas or stomach sweetbread is most prized because of its larger size and oval shape.


Other names: Veal Sweetbreads
Translations: Teļa Aizkuņģa dziedzeris, Veršienos Kasos, Mânzat Pancreas, Teleći Gušterača, Veal Tụy, Cielęciny trzustki, Kalfsvlees Pancreas, वील अग्न्याशय, Bovino Pâncreas, Телятина поджелудочной железы, Μοσχαράκι Πάγκρεας, لحم العجل البنكرياس, 송아지 췌장, Telecí pankreatu, Телетина Гуштерача, Karne ng usa Pancreas, 韦胰腺, Vedella de pàncrees, Telečjega Trebušna slinavka, Teľacie pankreasu, Pancreas di vitello, עגל לבלב, Kalvkött pankreastransplantaten, Daging sapi muda Pankreas, 仔牛膵臓, Veau du pancréas, Kalbfleisch Pancreas, Kalvekød Pancreas, Kalv Bukspyttkjertelen, Ternera de páncreas, Телятина підшлункової залози, Veal Haima, Телешко месо панкреаса



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