Acerola Juice
This juice is pinkish red in color and has a very desirable tangy flavor. Acerola Juice is very high in Vitamin C and is often mixed with other juices to increase the vitamin C content of those juices.
Other names: Bajan Cherry Juice
Translations: Malpīgiju sula, Malpigija sultys, Acerola de suc, Acerola sok, Sơ ri Juice, Acerola sap, Acerola रस, Suco de Acerola, Acerola сок, Acerola عصير, Acerola 쥬스, Acerola juice, 西印度樱桃果汁, Acerola Jugo, אסרולה מיץ, АЦЕРОЛА сок, アセロラジュース, Acerola Jus, Acerola-Saft, Sorolla Suc, Acerola сік, Acerolakirsikka Juice, Acerola сок