Brussels Sprouts
Brussels Sprouts are a type of vegetable related to the cabbage family. The edible portion of this vegetable is the leafy bud or small cabbage-like head which grows in the axils of each leaf. The tops of the vegetable are sometimes used as salad greens.
Brussels Sprouts provide an excellent source of Vitamins A and C, dietary fiber and folic acid. Part of the Brassica family, which includes broccoli, kale, collard greens, cabbage, etc), brussel sprouts contain a high content of sulfur-containing phytonutrients, believed to help fight cancer according to nutritionists.
When preparing Brussels Sprouts, first trim off the bottom of each sprout and then peel off any discolored leaves. This vegetable can be boiled, roasted or steamed and eaten alone or mixed with other vegetables.
Physical Description
Brussel Sprouts are a member of the cabbage family and resemble a small cabbage they are dark green with small outer leaves similar to the cabbage.
Tasting Notes
Selecting and Buying
Preparation and Use
Most stores carry Brussels Sprouts year round but in the late summer they will have fresh Brussels. When choosing take the smallest ones they are the most tender and will have the best flavor.
Conserving and Storing
Brussels will keep for a long time in your crisper they have a long shelf life similar to cabbage. After cleaning store in zip lock bag and be sure to remove all the air. They also can be frozen after blanching for winter use.