Arugula Blossoms
Once an arugula plant reaches approximately 2 or 3 feet, it will produce edible white, purple or yellow four-petaled flowers. As arugula gets older and taller it gets spicier, and the blossoms also have some spicy, sweet and peppery characteristics. Great for salads, pizza garnish or sprinkled on grilled salmon or grilled veggies.
Other names: Arugula Flowers
Translations: Arugula Ziedi, Rukolom cvjetovi, Rukolą Blossoms, Rucola Blossoms, Arugula फूल, Rúcula Blossoms, Цветет рукколой, Ρόκα Blossoms, جرجير الزهور, Arugula 벚꽃, Rukolou Blossoms, 芝麻菜开花, Rúcula Flors, Arugula cvetovi, Rukolou Blossoms, Rucola Blossoms, ארוגולה הניצנים, Аругула цветови, ルッコラの花, Roquette Blossoms, Rucola Blossoms, Rúcula Flores, Цвіте руколою, Rucola Blossoms, Рукола Blossoms