Black Garlic- الثوم الاسود
Black Garlic is the latest gourmet ingredient making a buzz in culinary circles. Whole heads of garlic are aged for 1 month in a special high-heat fermentation process. The aged garlic turns a rich black color with a soft, chewy texture and a subtle, sweet-savory taste.
While it is 100%% garlic, Black Garlic doesn’t really taste like garlic at all. It has a mouthwatering sweet and savory flavor that some compare to molasses, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, or even licorice. While every palate is different, it can be said that Black Garlic possesses characteristics of “umami” – a term used to describe the fifth human taste, for meaty and savory foods.
No additives, sodium or preservatives are used in the fermentation process. Just pure garlic!
With all that flavor, you might think Black Garlic would be overpowering, but the truth is, it is subtle enough to eat straight, but intense enough to add a pop of palate-pleasing savory-sweet flavor to many simple dishes, from fish and poultry to pasta and appetizers. Enjoy as a snack, slice and add to salads or use to top a variety of dishes from pasta to steak to fish. May also be pureed and drizzled on top of dishes like potato salad or pizza.
Everyone’s talking about Black Garlic these days, perhaps because it’s a flavor so new, yet so accessible. Give it a taste and come up with your own definition!
Available for purchase through a online retailers and select grocery stores across U.S.A.
* Frieda's Inc.
Also now available in Malaysia
* RPH Marketing
Physical Description
It looks like ordinary garlic cloves, but black. You can buy it in whole bulbs, as peeled cloves, or as a jelly-like puree.
October 9, 2012
good, nice pictures, have machine