Hazelnut Oil
Hazelnut oil is the most stunning oil infused with aroma and flavor. the substitution of 20 percentage hazelnut oil for olive oil.
A fragrant, full-flavored oil pressed from hazelnuts and tasting like the roasted nut. Because it's so strong-flavored, hazelnut oil is generally combined with lighter oils. It can be used in dressings, to flavor sauces and main dishes and in baked goods.
Translations: Lazdu riekstu eļļa, Lazdyno riešutų aliejus, Ulei de alune, Ulje lješnjaka, Dầu Hazelnut, Olej z orzechów laskowych, Hazelnootolie, हेज़लनट तेल, Óleo de Avelã, Ореховым маслом, Φουντούκι Oil, البندق النفط, 헤즐넛 오일, Lískových oříšků Oil, Уље лешника, Kastanyas Oil, 榛子油, Oli d'avellanes, Lešnika Oil, Lieskových orieškov Oil, Olio di Nocciola, שמן אגוזים, Hasselnötsolja, Minyak kemiri, ヘーゼルナッツ油, Huile de noisette, Haselnussöl, Hasselnød olie, Hasselnøtt olje, Aceite de avellanas, Горіховим маслом, Hasselpähkinä Öljy, Лешници петрола