Bluefin Tuna
There are at least three species of Bluefin Tuna which include Northern Bluefin Tuna, Southern Bluefin Tuna and Pacific Bluefin Tuna.
Northern Bluefin Tuna is found primarily in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Mediterannean Sea and the Black Sea. This type of Bluefin Tuna is on high demand in many Japanese markets for the making of Sushi.
Southern Bluefin Tuna is found in the waters of the Southern Atlantic, Indian and South Pacific Oceans. It is considered to be an endangered species due to overfishing in response to high demand from the Japanese Market where it is available as Sashimi.
Pacific Bluefin Tuna is one of the biggest fish found in the Pacific Ocean. This species is also severely overfished due to high demand.
The flesh of bluefin tuna is highly desirable for its flavor, texture and high fat content.