Limburger Cheese
Limburger Cheese is a soft ripened Belgian cheese, that is ripened by bacteria rather than mold. This cheese is notorious for its pungent aroma, but actually has a pleasant taste and a smooth texture. It is often served as a dessert cheese like Brie and Camembert. Also goes well in sandwiches and salads.
Other names:
Translations: Limburger Siers, Limburger Sūriai, Limburger Brânză, Limburger sira, Limburgse kaas, Limburger पनीर, Limburger Queijo, Limburger сыра, Limburger Τυρί, Limburger الجبن, Limburger 치즈, Limburger Sýry, Limburger Keju, 林堡干酪, Formatge Limburg, Limburger Sir, Limburger Syry, Limburger Formaggio, Limburger גבינה, Limburger Ost, Лимбургер сир, リンブルガーチーズ, Limburger fromage, Limburger Käse, Queso Limburger, Limburger сиру, Limburger Juusto, Limburger сирене
Tasting Notes
Substitutes: Liederkranz