Blanched Almonds


Blanched Almonds are sweet almonds that have had their outer skin removed. The almonds are scalded in hot water, washed with cold water and then put through rollers that remove the thin skin.

Almonds are usually blanched before they are made into slivers and flakes, and before being used in recipes. They can be bought in stores for slightly more than regular almonds or made at home.


Translations: Izlobītas mandeles, Apvirtos Migdolai, Blanched Migdale, Blanched bademi, Migdały blanszowane, Geblancheerde amandelen, Blanched बादाम, De amêndoas sem casca, Бланшированные миндальные орехи, Λευκασμένα αμύγδαλα, متبيض اللوز, Blanched 아몬드, Loupané mandle, Rebus Almond, Blanched mga almendras, 脱皮杏仁, Ametlles blanquejades, Olupljenih Mandeljni, Lúpané mandle, Di mandorle sbucciate, שקדים קלופים, Skållade mandlar, Бланцхед бадем, 根深アーモンド, Amandes blanchies, Mandeln, Blegnede Mandler, Forvellet Mandler, Almendras blanqueadas, Бланшірованние мигдальні горіхи, Kuorittua Mantelit, Бланширан бадеми

Selecting and Buying

Seasonality: january, february, march, april, may, june, july, august, september, opctober, november, december
Choosing: Shelled almonds that are stored in an hermetically sealed container will last longer than those that are sold in bulk bins since they are less exposed to heat, air and humidity. If purchasing almonds in bulk bins, make sure that the store has a quick turnover of inventory and that the bulk containers are sealed well in order to ensure maximum freshness. Look for almonds that are uniform in color and not limp or shriveled. In addition, smell the almonds. They should smell sweet and nutty; if their odor is sharp or bitter, they are rancid.

If you want almonds with a roasted flavor and texture, choose those that have been "dry roasted" as they are not cooked in oil like their regular roasted counterparts. Yet, even when purchasing "dry roasted" almonds, it is important to read the label to be sure that no additional ingredients such as sugar, corn syrup or preservatives have been added.

Buying: You can buy Blanched Almonds on your local supermarkets or grocery store.

Preparation and Use

A few quick serving ideas:

Add a punch to plain yogurt by mixing in some chopped almonds and dried fruit.

Enhance a healthy sauté of curried vegetables with sliced almonds.

Add some almond butter to a breakfast shake to boost its taste and protein content.

Almonds and apple slices make a wonderfully simple, on-the-go power snack.

Make a delightful cold rice salad with almonds, fresh garden peas and currants.

Add sliced almonds to chicken salad.

Conserving and Storing

Since almonds have a high fat content, it is important to store them properly in order to protect them from becoming rancid. Store shelled almonds in a tightly sealed container, in a cool dry place away from exposure to sunlight. Keeping them cold will further protect them from rancidity and prolong their freshness. Refrigerated almonds will keep for several months, while if stored in the freezer, almonds can be kept for up to a year. Shelled almond pieces will become rancid more quickly than whole shelled almonds. Almonds still in the shell have the longest shelf life.


History: Almonds are an ancient food that have been written about in historical texts, including the Bible. Almonds were thought to have originated in regions in western Asia and North Africa. The Romans referred to almonds as the "Greek nut" in reference to the civilization suggested to have first cultivated them.

Almonds are now grown in many of the countries that border the Mediterranean Sea including Spain, Italy, Portugal and Morocco, as well as in California. The cultivation of almonds in California, the only state that produces them, has an interesting history. Almond trees were originally brought to California centuries ago when missions were created by the Spanish, but cultivation of the trees was abandoned when the missions were closed. Almond trees found their way back to California in the 19th century via the eastern United States. In 1840, almond trees were brought over from Europe and were first planted in New England. Because the climate on the Eastern seaboard did not support their cultivation, the trees were brought to California where they thrived and continue to do so.



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