Firm Tofu
The production of tofu from soy milk is similar to the production of cheese from milk, although some tofu is made by processing non-soy products, such as almonds or black beans. The byproduct of the process is soy pulp (also called okara in Japanese).
Translations: Įmonės Tofu, Firma Tofu, Tvrtka Tofu, Đậu hũ công ty, Tofu firmy, Tofu Firm, फर्म Tofu, Tofu firme, Фирма Тофу, Επιχείρηση Tofu, شركة التوفو, 사무소 두부, Firma Tofu, Kantor Tahu, Matatag Tofu, 公司豆腐, Signatura del formatge de soja, Firma Tofu, Studio Tofu, המשרד טופו, Företag Tofu, Фирма Тофу, 事務所豆腐, Tofu ferme, Tofu, Firma del queso de soja, Фірма Тофу, Yritys Tofu, Фирма тофу