Passion Fruit
Fresh passionfruit, with its yellow polka dotted flesh, brings together flavours of different fruits and makes them sing a different song, adds an exotic tingle to individual fruits or makes a salad come alive.
Other names: Lilikoi
Translations: Pasifloras augļi, Pasifloros, Niềm đam mê trái cây, Passievrucht, फलों का जुनून, Maracujá, Маракуйя, فواكه العاطفة, 정열의 열매, Страст Воће, 百香果, Fruita de la Passió, Frutto della Passione, פסיפלורה, Passionsfrukt, Markisa, パッションフルーツ, Fruit de la Passion, Fruta de la Pasión, Маракуйя, Passionhedelmästä, Пасифлора
Tasting Notes
Flavors: sweet, sour
Mouthfeel: Soft, Juicy, Tart
Food complements: Yuzu paste, Fish, Coconut
Wine complements: Reisling, Sparkiling wine
Beverage complements: Vodka, Tequila
Selecting and Buying
Choosing: Look for fruits that are slightly wrinkly on the exterior, this is a sign that they are ripe.