Epoisses is a soft washed-rind cheese from the town of Epoisses in Burgundy. Traditional Epoisses is made with raw milk and aged for four to six weeks. The rind is washed with marc. Because ripe epoisses isn't firm enough to support it's own weight, it is packaged in round wooden boxes, similar to those used for Camembert.
Epoisses is, despite its initial strong barnyard aroma, one of the most accessible of the fine strong-flavored washed-rind cheeses. Many who have never ventured beyond medium American Cheddar find themselves shocked at how much they enjoy it. Smeared on crusty bread or crackers and served with a hearty red wine, Epoisses is among the finest ways to end a meal.
Sadly, true raw-milk Epoisses cannot be legally imported into the United States. Several pasteurized varieties are available, and while some are quite good none match up the to original.