Otaheite Apple
Photo: flickr user Cristóbal Alvarado Minic
The Otaheite Apple, also known as the Malay or maple apple, is an oblong or pear-shaped fruit with white flesh and dark red skin that may be eaten raw, stewed with spices, used for jellies or pickles, and made into wine.
Other names: Jamaican Apple, Makopa, Malay Rose Apple
Translations: オタハイトアップル, Otaheite أبل, Taïti Apple, Otaheite 애플, Chùm Apple, Otaheite אפל, Отахеите јабука, एप्पल Otaheite, Taití Apple, Таїті Apple, Otaheite苹果, Таити Apple, Taití Apple
Physical Description
The fruit is oblong to pear shaped with a dark red skin and white flesh; sometimes it is seedless.
Colors: red, pink,
Tasting Notes
Flavors: delicate, mild to sweet
Mouthfeel: Crisp, Crunchy, Juicy
Preparation and Use
The Otaheite Apple or Malay Apple may used as a remedy for diabetes and constipation.