Dandelion Leaf
Dandelion Leaf - the green leaves of the Dandelion flower. The bitter leaves are often used for salad greens in place of greens such as escarole, and is also used in tinctures and teas. There are several rumored health benefits to dandelion leaves, including vitamins A, B, and D and being a natural diuretic.
Translations: Pienene Leaf, Kiaulpienė Leaf, Păpădie Leaf, Maslačak Leaf, Dmuchawiec Leaf, Paardebloem Leaf, Dandelion पत्ती, Листьев одуванчика, Πικραλίδα Leaf, الهندباء ليف, 민들레 잎, Pampeliška Leaf, Ngiping leon Leaf, 蒲公英叶, Full de dent de lleó, Púpava Leaf, שן ארי Leaf, Maskros Leaf, Маслачак Лист, タンポポの葉, La feuille du pissenlit, Mælkebøtte Leaf, Løvetann Leaf, Hoja de diente de león, Лістьєв кульбаби, Voikukka takuukynnysten, Глухарче Leaf