Elephant Apple


An acidic tropical fruit from Southeast Asia. The fruit pulp is used in Indian Cuisine in curries, jam, and jellies. The fruit of the elephant apple tree is enclosed in a hard husk, and it must be cracked to get at the fruit. The fruit may be hurled at a hard surface or a hammer may be used to crack the husk open. The elephant apple itself is brown and mealy, with astringent and resinous notes. It also has a strong smell, along with numerous small seeds.


Translations: Ελέφαντας Apple, Dramblys &, الفيل أبل, Elefant Apple, エレファントアップル, Slon Apple, Voi Apple, Słoń Apple, Gajah Apple, 코끼리 애플, हाथी एप्पल, Слон Apple, הפיל אפל, Слон Apple, 象苹果, Slon Apple, Слон јабука, Elefante Apple, Слон Apple

Physical Description

Green shell on outside, inside is lighter in color with browns, purple, and whites. Not an attractive fruit. (This describes a different species to the one pictured above, see Wiki for disambiguation))

Colors: Greens Outside with Browns, Purple, and whites on the inside

Tasting Notes

Flavors: acidic, slightly sweet
Mouthfeel: Meaty
Food complements: Chutneys, Or pickeled
Wine complements: N/a

Selecting and Buying

Seasonality: january, february, march, april, opctober, november, december
Peak: opctober, november
Choosing: still with husk on. when shaken you can hear the fruit has detached from husk.
Buying: Not available in the United States, but can sometimes be found in a can but canned fruit is not as ripe.

Preparation and Use

Hit husk against hard surface to crack husk and pull apart. Meaty fruit is normally pickled or made into chutneys

Cleaning: Outside can be wiped down and inside can be eaten straight out of the newly cracked husk.


This fruit was originally thought to have been eaten by the poor but studies have show that it may have been used more widely.

History: Native to Southeast Asia.



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