Bitter Almond
The bitter almond is the second of two types of almonds; bitter and sweet. the bitter almond is used in medicines, oils and syrup.
Translations: Rūgto mandeļu, Kartaus migdolų, Hạnh nhân đắng, Gorzkich migdałów, Bittere amandel, कड़वे बादाम, Amêndoa Amarga, Горького миндаля, Πικραμύγδαλο, اللوز المر, 비터 아몬드, Hořkomandlovou, Mapait Almond, 苦杏仁, Amarga Ametlla, Hořkomandlovou, Mandorle Amare, מר שקד, BITTERMANDEL, Горка Бадем, 苦扁桃, Amande amère, Bittermandel, Amarga Almendra, Гіркого мигдалю, Горчив бадем