Green Pepper
These peppers are known to be the sweet variety of Capsicum Annuum, and are generally used as a vegetable rather than a spice. Can be used in a varitety of ways to add flavor to salads, sauces and more or eaten raw on its own. Some cultures also make it into a beverage.
Other names: Capsicum, Green Bell Pepper, Bell Pepper, Sweet Pepper, Capsicums
Translations: Zaļā Pepper, Žalia paprika, Ardei gras, Zeleni papar, Zielonym pieprzem, Grønn Pepper, Зеленый перец, Πιπεριά, فلفل أخضر, 그린 페퍼, Zelený pepř, 青椒, Pimienta Verde, Zelený korenie, Pepe Verde, גרין פפר, GRÖNPEPPAR, Зелена паприка, ピーマン, Au poivre vert, हरी मिर्च, Pebre Verd, Зелений перець, Пиперка
Physical Description
Green, bell shaped fruit of the Capsicum family.
Colors: Green
Tasting Notes
Flavors: sweet
Mouthfeel: Crunchy
Food complements: Beef, Chicken, Pasta, Salad greens
Wine complements: White wine, Late harvest reisling, Reisling, Viognier
Beverage complements: Beer, Hard cider, Lemonade, Iced tea or soda
Substitutes: Red bell pepper, Yellow bell pepper, Orange bell pepper
Selecting and Buying
Seasonality: january, february, march, april, may, june, july, august, september, opctober, november, december
Choosing: Make sure that the peppers have no bruising, skin wrinkles, and visible holes. The peppers should feel firm.
Buying: Usually, the green bell peppers found in supermarkets are unripe yellow or red bell peppers. Some green bell peppers remain green as they ripe. One can seek advice from their local grocery store about the bell peppers they sell.
Procuring: Those interested in growing peppers can grow them from small plants or from seeds. If planting seeds, peppers can be planted during early spring or at winter's end. Mature the seeds indoors then transfer them to outside after two to three months.
Preparation and Use
Green peppers can be enjoyed raw since they're sweet and crunchy. Usually, green peppers can be found in Mediterranean and South American recipes. Green bell peppers are usually prepared by slicing off the pepper's top, then hollowing out the pepper, removing the seeds.
Cleaning: Wash the green bell pepper by gently scrubbing the bell pepper's skin, taking care not to bruise it.
July 9, 2011
Photo I uploaded from
July 9, 2011
Photo I uploaded from