Saison Pale Ale


Bottle-conditioned farmhouse pale ales, brewed mainly in the French-speaking region of Wallonia. The saison or seasonal beers are somewhat low in alcohol (by Belgian standards) and are characterized by a light to medium body. The lighter and often fruitier taste makes them ideal for the warmer season.


Translations: セゾンエール, Sezonas Pale Ale, Saison آل بالي, Sezóna Pale Ale, Sezonului bere blondă, 시즌 창백한 에일, Sezóna Pale Ale, Pale Ale saison, Саисон Пале Але, Saison maputla serbesa, Saison * पीला यवसुरा, עונתית לבנבן עלה, Сезону Пале Ale, 赛松帕莱阿勒, Сезона Пале Ale, Светла сезона Ale



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